Helpful Forms

Making improvements on your property at Lake Athens?  The following forms are provided to help you expedite the process.  

PRIOR TO SUBMITTING YOUR REQUEST, PLEASE REVIEW THE COMPLETE RULES & REGULATIONS GOVERNING LAKE ATHENS.  Many, if not all, of your questions concerning the submission process will be covered  HERE. 

Click on the appropriate form, and a .pdf will download for your convenience.  Simply complete the form and return it in person, by email, or by the US Postal Service.  You will then be contacted by the AMWA Building Inspector - either for additional information or to begin the next step in your improvement process.


Who Are Our Partners

Athens Economic Development

Athens Economic Development

Visit the Athens Economic Development Corporation website.

What's on our Minds

What Does It Mean?

What Does It Mean?

While most adults will understand the topics discussed within this blog, we've listed a few of the terms that will be discussed periodically...

What's Happening at Lake Athens

Upcoming Events

Upcoming Events

Here are a few events that may be of interest to property owners around Lake Athens.

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